Hi everyone, I’m Shawn from Wan Bubble!
This past summer, I tried scuba diving for the first time at Kata Beach in Phuket, Thailand, and I was instantly hooked. My passion for diving led me to create Wan Bubble, a project where we share our diving experiences and information to help more people discover the beauty of the ocean and the joy of scuba diving.

Wan Bubble was founded by myself and Risacan. The name “Wan” comes from our love for dogs (“wan wan” is the Japanese equivalent of “woof woof”), and “Bubble” represents the bubbles we exhale underwater. We combined these words with the idea of “wonderful” because we want to share wonderful experiences with everyone through diving.

At Wan Bubble, we plan to share information that’s helpful for people who have never tried diving before, as well as those who are new to the sport. Even now that we’re certified divers, we still have many of the same questions that beginners do. We’ll be sharing our perspectives on topics like how to get started with diving, where to go diving, the costs involved, and what kind of gear to choose.

Currently, we both work as software engineers, but our dream is to build a life more deeply connected to diving. Our immediate goal is to become certified instructors so we can share our passion professionally.
We also want to explore the intersection of scuba diving and technology at Wan Bubble. As software specialists with over 20 years of experience, we’re exploring how we can contribute to the diving industry. If you’re in the diving industry and facing any IT challenges, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

We’re excited to share our journey with you. Welcome to Wan Bubble!